Welcome to the spot for the budding digital entrepreneur who wants to create and grow an online income without scammy marketing schemes or icky sales tactics. But through tangible skills, tools, and resources to grow with authenticity and originality.

Vicki helps people with all different skill levels navigate the online income space and start, grow, scale & repeat.

Vicki Pollack -
7 figure online
business owner & creator

  • Trying to create or grow an online income stream?
  • Wanting help to become a more confident digital entrepreneur?
  • Feeling frustrated and lost about how to scale your current online business?

Then welcome to the perfect place for you…

Are you…

Go from digitally lost to having the blueprint to create a digital product based business you feel awesome about

You zig. I zag

Digital Income Trailblazer


Vicki Pollack

✅  Knowing the skills you need to expand your business
✅  Gaining confidence in yourself online in all aspects
✅  Having the resources, tools, and support you originally came here for

Let’s take you from lost or struggling to:

Bullsh*t advice, generic content, poor service, negativity

What you won’t find here:

Straight talk, actual strategy, supportive community, personal support

What you’ll find here:

Creating income online isn’t easy - it takes time, energy, effort, tools, resources and mentorship. That’s exactly why Vicki created her business - she was tired of the deceptive marketing out there about making money online overnight. She wanted to teach aspiring and existing digital entrepreneurs all the skills they actually need to start their journey and grow - based on her own experiences and success. 

and rolling your eyes...then you’re in the right place.


If you’re looking at other businesses or coaches that say things like:


Students experience: loss of marketing incompetence, growth of online business skills, belief in their abilities, & a satirical attitude toward sketchy online marketing practices.

Proceed at your own risk. 

Ready to become a student?

❗Warning ❗

We’re so glad you’re here.

Welcome to online income education without the fluff.

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

A Bachelors degree in Communications

20 years of sales experience

Sales training expertise

Network Marketing millionaire

Skills in building a team of thousands in a network marketing company

Experience in creating a 6 figure + annual income online

teach this stuff?

credible enough to

what makes Vicki


The individual experiences outlined herein may not represent the typical experience. Background, education, effort, and application all impact results. The information shared here is for example purposes only and is not intended to create a guarantee. Your results may vary. 

– Vicki

Vicki graduated college with a degree in communications and worked in every sales job you could imagine. She’s been working in sales her entire adult life - about 20 years - and found network marketing 10 years ago and discovered a huge passion for it. She came across the concept of building an online business through selling digital products in 2023 and the rest is history.

She lives in Long Island with her husband and son and their golden retriever puppy. She often says that her love language is honesty and integrity and that her life is like that movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"..."Greeks are a different breed" She always says with a smile on her face.

“My mission is to teach the average digital entrepreneur how to improve their online business so they can feel confident in their abilities as a business owner and be fearless to step into their business on a day-to-day basis.

I show them the simple no b.s. steps to creating, launching, and growing their own online digital product-based business. Then I help them keep getting better at it.”

Your truth telling, no-bullsh*t New Yorker who will give you the tools to grow an online income without the fluff.

Vicki Pollack

Get to know

An annual membership for digital entrepreneurs including live office hours with Vicki and outside trainers as well as connections to other like minded people trying to navigate the same online space as you.

Join the movement of creating online businesses that feel authentic, true to self, and purpose filled. Have Vicki there to help guide, answer questions, and move your entire business in a more "you" direction.

(The Digital Disruptors membership is $49 annually with purchase of The Rookie Course or The Ultimate Social Sales Course. Otherwise, you can purchase it separately at $149 annually.)

mentorship without the cookie-cutter bullsh*t

The Digital Disruptors

Be a Better Content Creator

Be a Better Leader

Be a Better Social Seller

Vicki's collection of masterclasses and courses for digital entrepreneurs. This suite of education is for you if you have a business in the online space and you want to improve your skills and learn new content that will not only up-level your business, but help you stand out and feel more confident in it.

For existing Digital Entrepreneurs

The Be Better Collection™

You want to go from social media scroller to monetizing the internet. I get it. If you want to create an income stream that really means something to you, but you don’t know where to begin because you’re not like, an influencer or social media guru, then this is the course for you.

For the complete digital novice

The Rookie

Choose the education path that’s right for you…

The Vicki Pollack Course Collection

An annual membership for digital entrepreneurs including live office hours  with Vicki and trainers as well as connections to other digital entrepreneurs.

(The Digital Disruptors membership is $49 annually with purchase of The Rookie Course or The Ultimate Social Sales Course. Otherwise, you can purchase it separately at $149 annually.)

The Digital Disruptors Membership

For Existing Digital Entrepreneurs - a collection of masterclasses and courses to take your digital business to the next level.

The Be Better Collection™

For digital novices who want to create an income stream and have no idea where to start.

The Rookie Course

Vicki offers 3 options: The Rookie Course, The Be Better Collection™, and The Digital Disruptors Membership. Choose what best corresponds to your needs.

How can I work with Vicki?

For more questions, check out my FAQs catalog.

If you’re just starting out in the digital space and you want to go from barely a scroller to social media monetizer then I recommend The Rookie Course.

If you already have a digital business but you want to feel more confident in it while growing and you don’t know how to then I suggest The Be Better Collection™.

If you’re looking for a monthly membership with more training that also connects you with other digital entrepreneurs then I suggest The Digital Disruptors Membership.

What’s the right course for me?

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t leave without your freebies

Want my ebook that goes more in-depth on digital entrepreneurship and what it even means? 

Free ebook

Ready for a masterclass that tells the truth about how to make money online through digital entrepreneurship?

Free masterclass

But that’s why I'm here - to cut through the b.s. and give you the proper tools for digital income education.

I totally get it - there’s a lot of unhelpful noise out there about how to do it.

Do you want to create a digital income stream but don’t know how?