

If you’re here, that means you want to get better at online business but you don’t know how.

You’re tired of:

❌ Scammy marketers claiming they can “change your life” with their business tactics.
❌ Annoyed that every time someone tells you to buy their course, it is the same cookie cutter bullsh*t you see everywhere else.
❌ Frustrated with how marketing feels so cringey sometimes.
❌ Trying and failing to create a captivated and connected audience.
❌ Feeling lost about the next steps to grow your online business.
❌ Losing confidence because you feel like you don’t know the skills to be a successful business owner

A collection of courses & masterclasses for existing digital entrepreneurs who want to improve their results by approaching their business in an anti cookie-cutter way.

The Be Better

So get off your a** and let's fix it together

You're a digital bad*ss...i can feel it.


The Be Better Collection  

Welcome to

  • On socials and sell without the cringe
  • As a leader in your digital community
  • Your content creation approach

Ready to get started?

Welcome to the place on the internet that will actually help you level up

Bullsh*t advice, generic content, poor service, cookie cutter strategy.

What you won’t find here:

Straight talk, actual strategy, supportive community, personal support.

What you’ll find here:

I get want to take your online business to the next level by learning unique approaches and gaining actionable tools and resources.

We don’t bullsh*t here - we don’t make false claims or try to sell you dumb cookie cutter stuff that doesn’t work. Every part of The Be Better Collection™ teaches you approaches and tools to up-level several aspects of your business and have more confidence doing so.

A collection of courses & masterclasses for existing digital entrepreneurs

You’re Ready To Be a Better Social Media Presence
You’re Ready To Be a Better Leader & Community Creator

You're ready to learn the foundations of social selling & entrepreneurship

✅ Be able to answer questions with ease and confidence.
✅ Have the tools to stay in the game longer because you’ll be in the right mindset.
✅ Know how to talk TO people and not AT people.
✅ Know exactly when you’re “marketing” versus “selling” and pivot accordingly.
✅ Have a new swagger in your business that will be a magnet for customers.
✅ Be confident in knowing you’re marketing with honesty and truth, not being lurey and misleading.
✅ Learn how to step into your creativity versus thinking you always have to follow a script or template.

With the ultimate social sales course you'll: 

Hey you...This is not a social media growth course.
You're trying to "sell things on the internet" by chasing a transaction. The sale you're seeking will never come without the creation of trust with your audience. Trust comes from your messaging. It's not the sale you need to be chasing. It's your approach to your business and your messaging that needs the tweaking. Tweak your messaging. Get the sales. 

Meet, Foundations of Selling Course.
Let's dive in.

✅ Go from a transactional relationship with your clients to the leader of a group that will look to you for guidance and steering. 
✅ Go from zero connection with clients to feeling like you’ve created a family. 
✅ Step into next level leadership in your business.
✅ Streamline the process of the how to create a community…pages, emails, community calls, etc. 
✅ Create a stronger leader-based brand for your students.

With Be a Better Leader You’ll:

Learning to create your own online community involves not only understanding the technical aspects (such as choosing the right website options and managing administrative tasks) but also fostering a sense of belonging in your messaging so that people feel like part of your family even before they join.

You're ready to learn the foundations of social selling & entrepreneurship

You’re Ready To Be a Better Social Media Presence
You’re Ready To Be a Better Leader & Community Creator

✅ Have a way to break down how to approach social media content.
✅ Be able to confidently buck the “copy and paste” approach and build a social media presence that feels good for you.
✅ Break free of the chains of all the IG algorithm hacks that are being taught to you because none of them are working.
✅ Create impactful content. Not space filler content.

With Be a Better Social MEDIA PRESENcE You’ll:

If you're looking for a course to teach you viral hooks and "how to go viral," this isn't it. This 60 minute masterclass is designed to help you ditch the "copycat" mentality and develop an actual social media presence. We'll explore strategies to stand out from the crowd and build a loyal following by harnessing your own creativity and just saying the thing in your brain instead of filtering it a million times. 

You’re Ready To Be a Better Social Media Presence
You’re Ready To Be a Better Leader & Community Creator

You're ready to learn the foundations of social selling & entrepreneurship

What’s the right masterclass for you?

Want to know what’s included in each course? Vicki’s got you - we’re all about honesty and transparency here. 

The Be Better Collection™ Course Breakdown

  • Prospecting without being a weirdo
  • Stop hard closing
  • Nurturing actual relationships

Network Marketers / MLMers / Direct Sellers Only

Module 6

  • Shifting the typical sales mindset: From “Pitching” to Problem-Solving
  • Asking epic questions
  • Handling objections with confidence, empathy, and levity.
  • Examples of interactions to expect and how to handle them.

Navigating “Sales” Conversations

Module 5

  • Sell stuff in your content without….selling stuff in your content.
  • Simplification.
  • Tell them what you’re selling…what a concept.
  • “The Sprinkle Effect”: Stop confusing your audience & focus on one thing.
  • From "thought in brain" to "message on your phone screen"

Social media Content & messaging

Module 4

  • Your target audience: who is your hologram?
  • Getting into the mind of your target audience: Market research
  • Tailoring a message so that the people you WANT to give a sh*t, will actually give a sh*t.

Messaging = everything

Module 3

  • What even is social selling and how does it differ from in person sales?
  • How to define your personal brand
  • What’s the difference between selling and marketing?
  • What makes you YOU? Do more of that.
  • Being the voice of authority & having an influence
  • Authenticity and relatability
  • Your personal approach: Searching for holes and trying to fill them

The dance between selling, marketing & branding

Module 2

  • Your North Star
  • Taking radical responsibility for yourself
  • Building your belief bag
  • Producing when you just don’t wanna
  • Motivation versus inspiration (and why they both suck)
  • Fear of judgment
  • The art of unattachment
  • Perfectionism is the kiss of death
  • Being bad're not bad anymore
  • Be the lighthouse

Let’s Get the “Wooey” Shit Out of the Way

Module 1

  • Strategies for community engagement
  • Keeping it growing
  • Offering your community as a value-add service

Sustaining the Energy Inside

  • How to create a Facebook group-based community
  • How to create a Circle based community
  • How to create a Skool based community
  • Setting the tone in the community
  • Consistency strategies

The How-Tos of Community Creation

  • Understanding the needs and goals of a common group of people
  • How to deliver to the masses
  • Helping thousands when you’re just…one. 

Creating a Vibrant Online Community

  • Digital leadership versus in-person
  • Characteristics of a leader that translate into the online space
  • The connection between business ownership and leadership

Understanding Digital Leadership

Masterclass topics include:

  • Establishing thought leadership through your content
  • Empowering others through your online brand
  • Embracing authenticity as a lifestyle…not just a thing you are on the internet. 

Learn How To Leave a Mark

  • Authority content
  • Educational content
  • Value based content
  • Talking head videos: the when and the how

The how of it all

  • Let's see other humans on the internet who are landing an epic presence and building a loyal follower count.
  • Real people...not copy and pasters.
  • Going viral isn't the end goal.

Inspiration from real accounts doing it right

  • Who are you even talking to? No but seriously...
  • Why should they care?
  • Why should they chose you?
  • How do you actually tie those things together?

The who, why and how approach

Masterclass topics include:

The individual experiences outlined herein may not represent the typical experience. Background, education, effort, and application all impact results. The information shared here is for example purposes only and is not intended to create a guarantee. Your results will vary. 

Vicki is a no-bullsh*t digital entrepreneurship mentor who will give you the tools to strengthen your digital footprint without the fluff.

Vicki graduated from college with a degree in communications. She’s been working in sales for the last 20 years and found network marketing 10 years ago. She built a large organization in that industry and became wildly successful. After 10 years inside of that company, Vicki branched off into the digital product world and has never looked back. She's created a voice of authority in the digital marketing/digital business space and she's filled with purpose and passion for it not only to build her own business, but to show people what truly monetizing the internet looks like without having to be a mega influencer, a super model or a scam artist. 

“This isn’t some “life-changing” course to “easy passive revenue”. Frankly, those kinds of terms make me want to throw up. This is the no b.s. course that will give the total digital novice the foundation they need to learn how to even start to build an online based business so they can start to monetize their social media in a way that’s super unique to them.

If you’re ready to do the work to have the tools to successfully start your own business, then you’re in the right place.”


Vicki Pollack

Your Mentor

The Be Better Collection Pricing





Save yourself a lot of headaches (and $$$ while you’re at it) and make it a bundle. Improve all of your skills for your business with this package that includes the entire Be Better Collection™.

Don’t stall out in your digital business

Don’t settle for having a “fine” or “good” online business when you can have one that you feel epic about. It takes work, dedication and a commitment to the learning-doing-failing-tweaking-doing again cycle...and man can that be rewarding.

Why settle for "kinda average digitally"? Learn the skills and tools to get you there with The Be Better Collection™.

See you soon,

– Vicki

How do I know which course in The Be Better Collection™ is right for me?

Take a look at the benefits and breakdown of each course to help you decide which might help you the most in your journey to up-leveling your skills as a digital business owner. If you want to improve your skills in multiple areas, we suggest buying the package of the entire Be Better Collection for optimum results. 

Is The Be Better Collection™ right for me?

If you’re a digital entrepreneur who wants to learn deeper skills to uplevel their business then this is the place for you and The Be Better Collection™ is your tool.

Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds for The Be Better Collection™ Courses.

Can I be an affiliate for any of these courses?

Yes! Vicki values education above all else, so the affiliate program has guidelines around it that you’ll learn about in the courses. There will be a 40% affiliate commission to those who love the course experience.

Do you offer payment plans?

We do not offer payment plans for The Be Better Collection Courses.

Can I be an affiliate for any of these courses?

Yes! Vicki values education above all else, so the affiliate program has guidelines around it that you’ll learn about in the courses. There will be a 40% affiliate commission to those who love the course experience.

Frequently Asked Questions